Personal Decree for Prophetic Voices

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree a divine purification over my life as a prophetic voice. I submit myself to the holy cleansing from all defilement of flesh and spirit. I invite the fire of the Holy Spirit to refine and purify my mouth and heart so that I may declare the oracles of God in truth and purity.

I renounce the spirit of error, deceit, and manipulation in my prophetic calling. I embrace integrity and the fear of the Lord as the foundation of my ministry. I decree that my words will be as purified silver, tested and free from impurity.

I declare that my prophetic ministry is sanctified, set apart for the sacred purpose of advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. I commit to speaking forth God's truth with clarity, accuracy, and godly reverence. As the Lord cleanses and purifies me, may there be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit equipping me with prophetic precision and power for such a time as this. Amen!


The Prophetic Birthing Room
Discovery of the Gift or Office
  • The gift of prophecy is the ability to speak forth the message of God.
  • Prophets serve as mouthpieces of God, sharing His heart, wisdom, and direction.
  • They do not predict the future like fortune-tellers but clarify situations and point others towards God’s will.
  • The spiritual gift of the prophet delivers God’s will to the Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit.